10 Psalms for December


28 Posts Published


December 20, 2016



As the Christmas season unfolds, Christian churches often turn to Psalms that resonate with themes of joy, hope, and anticipation. Here are 10 Psalms for December, providing a spiritual roadmap for reflection and worship during this festive month:

  1. Psalm 8: This psalm reflects on the majesty of God’s creation, underscoring the humility of humanity in the grandeur of the universe. As December brings the wonder of the holiday season, Psalm 8 prompts believers to marvel at God’s glory.
  2. Psalm 16: A psalm of trust and dependence on God, Psalm 16 encourages believers to find their joy and security in the Lord, making it a fitting meditation during the season of Advent.
  3. Psalm 23: Known as the Shepherd’s Psalm, it provides comfort and reassurance, emphasizing the Lord’s guidance and provision. As the year concludes, believers can reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness throughout the months.
  4. Psalm 27: This psalm of confidence and trust in the Lord serves as a source of strength as individuals face the challenges and uncertainties that come with the end of the year.
  5. Psalm 46: A psalm of refuge and strength, Psalm 46 reminds believers that God is their fortress, especially during times of turmoil and change. It offers a sense of peace during the busy holiday season.
  6. Psalm 89: Reflecting on God’s covenant promises, this psalm invites believers to remember and celebrate the faithfulness of God. It sets a tone of gratitude for the year that is concluding.
  7. Psalm 95: A call to worship and praise, Psalm 95 invites believers to bow down in adoration and thanksgiving, fostering an attitude of gratitude as Christmas approaches.
  8. Psalm 98: A jubilant psalm celebrating God’s salvation, it encourages believers to sing a new song, making it a fitting choice for the Christmas season as Christians reflect on the birth of the Savior.
  9. Psalm 100: Often known as the Psalm of Thanksgiving, it calls believers to enter God’s presence with joy and gratitude. It’s a reminder to cultivate a heart of thanksgiving as the year draws to a close.
  10. Psalm 150: A grand finale to the Book of Psalms, Psalm 150 is a call to praise the Lord with every instrument and breath. As December culminates in Christmas celebrations, this psalm serves as a reminder to lift high the praise of God.

These Psalms for December provide a scriptural foundation for believers in Christian churches to navigate the spiritual journey of the Christmas season. Whether reflecting on God’s faithfulness, expressing gratitude, or anticipating the joy of Christ’s birth, these Psalms offer a rich and meaningful tapestry for worship during the final month of the year.